Join NHB
  We always welcome new members and experience is not a requirement to join New Horizons Band. Our members fall into three general categories: Folks who have played all their lives, folks who played a long time ago and those who are fulfilling a life-long dream and are playing a musical instrument for the first time.
    If you’re interested in playing with us, just come to a rehearsal and get involved! If you are looking for private lessons to get you up-to-speed, we’ll even help you find a teacher.
    NHB rehearses almost every Thursday from 5:30 to 6:30 PM at Tarrytown United Methodist Church, 2601 Exposition Blvd, Austin, TX 78703
If you are interested in
playing in the 
New Horizons Band,
come join us!
All instruments are welcome!
We especially could use more
clarinets, low reeds, tubas & percussion.